Rhode Island Free Clinic’s Volunteer Medical & Dental Corps

Our patients’ free health care services are only possible thanks to our highly committed and active Volunteer Medical & Dental Corps – hundreds of individuals who believe that healthcare is a human right and that dignity should be afforded to all, regardless of income. The in-kind donation of time and talents from our volunteers varies from primary and specialty care to nutrition and exercise coaching, free dental services, event planning and administrative support. Together, we are an award-winning example of compassion in action, with many individuals working closely together to ensure the delivery of high quality medical care for each and every patient.  

Volunteer Quick Links:

Please, Rhode Island’s uninsured need YOU.

There are currently over 45,000 Rhode Islanders without health insurance. Your donation will help provide our most disadvantaged neighbors with access to the healthcare they need.

Free COVID-19 vaccines available.

2023 Rhode Island Free Clinic’s Year in Review

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